Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Figs Tree in Tiong Bahru Park


  1. Plants of the cactus family may have been just one cactus which has leaves that, True. He is the most primitive genus in the cactus family. Pereskia come from Korea but can be found easily in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. So it is a plant that is somewhat restless and can adapt to almost entirely exception tundra climate. The optimum situation for growth adala clear sunshine and tropical climate. He is an easy plant to thrive. Have the feature almost similar parisan subject, this subject can be easily grown by kaedah cantas. During the last seven stem tapered rod sharp thorns, because he was also on the call needle seven blades. The leaves are crisp can make a side dish or salad

    Abatement boil

    With the traditional way, for the benefit of this Blade Seven needles, leaves the cook plucked a number of one or two strands and consumed as well as a side dish with rice or consumed in conjunction with such a raw way sahaja. Seven needles This bar contains mucus, but the mucus is not bitter. When practiced this way of eating leaves quest, this leaves the benefits mentioned may or may only be able to make the protection of the body from the various types of boils. However, further studies are still urgently needed to vote on the patient keberkesanannya boils.

    Through the studies that have been done, Blade Seven mentioned needle leaves have a high amount of antioxidants. Although the value of antioxidant activity is not

    high in vitamin C and vitamin E, but the value is still high and the corresponding calculated the same for consumption as well as a side dish to boost antioxidant activity in the face of a body. Blade Seven needles may be mentioned phenolic compound contains a simple high. Phenolic Compounds indeed already in the know show antioxidant activity in addition to eliminating free radicals.

    The practice of eating leaves Needles Seven Blade principal also mentioned can avoid one from menghidap high blood pressure, diabetes and ulcer. Except eating leaves Seven staple needle bar to make a side dish, you can also drink water soaking the leaves to make tea drinks such as water. Seven mentioned needle bar can help in the treatment of cancer diseases especially cancer of the colon (large intestine), nasal cancer and other cancer.

    There are three steps to use it,
    by inserting approximately two strands of leaves into the hot water and make tea and drink the water,
    leaves are also consumed as a side dish one to three strands each day
    by way of mengisar leaves until blended, mix the water and the juice drink. You are prohibited from drinking any kind of drinks after taking this herb because it can eliminate all of the benefits mentioned in our bodies.

    Although there are a variety of benefits subject Seven needle bar, but such moments before wearing them for the purpose Perubatan, you are necessary to obtain advice from the pengamal Perubatan first to avoid future kemudaratan later.

  2. Today I will share the benefits of Pereskia sacharosaThis article I adopted from the page [khasiat]. The seven-star needle plant is often used as an ornamental plant because of its beauty. But it does not just get there. Leaf part of this plant has good health benefits for the body. The seven-star needle leaf contains a number of healthful compounds that you can use to prevent diseases and treat some types of diseases. There are many herbal treatments that utilize the efficacy of this leaf. In order to make no mistake in understanding the benefits and efficacy of the seven-point needle leaf, we provide a detailed explanation of some of the benefits of this leaf for your health. Here is the information.

    Heals wounds
    The efficacy of the first seven-star needle leaf is to help your skin to recover quickly from the wound. This leaves will heal minor wounds on your skin by making it dry faster.

    Hemorrhoid medication
    The efficacy of a seven-point needle leaf for medicine is also potent in overcoming hemorrhoids. For those of you who have hemorrhoid disease and often relapse, you can cope with this unique leaf.

    ‎Prevent cancer
    Efficacy of needle leaf seven stars in healthy body able to become natural anti-cancer leaf. This leaf contains many natural content to prevent cancer, especially cervical cancer in women.

    Overcoming poison
    The efficacy of a seven-star needle leaf can be used to overcome the poison. The natural content in this leaves will neutralize toxic substances in your body so as not to cause side effects to the body.

    Prevent infection
    Usefulness of the needle leaf seven stars for your body that can prevent the onset of infection. This leaves will easily cure some symptoms of the disease so that the infection does not occur and cause more severe disease.

    ‎Overcoming flatulence
    Flatulence may be due to the amount of gas present in your digestion and difficult to remove. To fix this, try using a seven-point needle leaf. This leaf is powerful to cure a bloated stomach.

    Healthy oral cavity
    Oral health can be guarded by needle-leaf seven stars. This leaf contains healthy compounds that are suitable for your mouth and maintain healthy lips, gums, teeth, and inner skin.

    Hypertension medication
    The benefits of the needle seven-star needle to overcome the disease can be relied upon to be a hypertension drug. This natural leaf is powerful in preventing blood pressure to rise so that hypertension does not appear.

    Overcoming rheumatism
    Rheumatism can be overcome by using a seven-point needle leaf. This leaves will relieve symptoms of rheumatism that attacks the bones and also joints with a way to cure the pain.

    Prevent gout
    Uric acid disease you can prevent early with the needle leaf seven stars. This leaves will easily enter into the body and help you to be immune from the attacks of gout.That's what info I can share this morning, hopefully useful.

  3. SClinacanthus nutans, 憂遁草

    Alternative treatments and cure for cancer using natural therapies.
    sabah snake grass, clinacanthus nutans, belalai gajah, dandang gendis, herb cure cancer, cure diabetis, cure high blood pressure, cure hypertension, you dun cao, 憂遁草, 沙巴蛇草
    Sabah Snake Grass / Clinatcanthus nutan / 憂遁草
    Sabah Snake grass (SSG) belong to acanthaceae family. Its scientific name is Clinacanthus nutans also known as - 沙巴蛇草 - Sha Ba She Cao, 鰐嘴花 - E zui hua, 憂遁草 - You Dun Cao in Mandarin or Belalai Gajah or Tarum Siam in Malay or Dandang Gendis in Indonesia. It grow well in tropical weather such in Malaysia and Thailand. It is fast growing and can multiply through stem cuttings.


    Other healing properties / benefits.
    Besides for cancer healing, Sabah Snake Grass also good for:
    Lowering cholesterol.
    Lowering high blood pressure.
    Detoxifying body
    Good for our kidney.
    If it is early stage of kidney failure, by consuming snake grass, it is possible to prevent patient from going for kidney dialysis.
    Kidney failure patients who already gone for dialysis also can consume snake grass. It help to relief them when undergo the dialysis process. There are cases where patients able reduce the amount dialysis from 3 times to 2 times in a week after getting approval from doctor.

    How to consume?
    You can either brew as tea or blend the leaves become juice. When the patient gets better, reduce the number of SSG Green Tea™ leaves.

    Sabah Snake Grass juice & tea
    Sabah Snake Grass with apple. Please click "How to prepare Sabah Snake Grass juice leaves for the recipe.
    For maintaining good health - suggested that you take between 5 to 10 leaves per day
    For other diseases - Take between 30 to 50 leaves per day
    For cancer patients
    Stage 1 - 1 tablespoon of SSG Green Tea** equivalence to 50 leaves
    Stage 2 - 2 tablespoons of SSG Green Tea** equivalence to 100 leaves
    Stage 3 - 3 tablespoon of SSG Green Tea** equivalence to 200 leaves
    Stage 4 - 4 tablespoons of SSG Green Tea** equivalence to 300 leaves
    **Assuming 1 tablespoon equivalence 3 mg of SSG Green Tea x 5 = 15 mg of SSG fresh leaves

    Safety Concern
    There are some patients may suffer from painful back, shoulder, stomach, feeling like vomit and dizziness. This could be due to overdose / your body is 'Yin' (cold), so it is a sign for you to lower down the amount of SSG leaves.

    Best Practice
    Practice healthy diet and lifestyle in order to get heal faster. Prevent eating food such as beans, sugar, products make from white flour, meat, poultries, honey, kembong fish, ray fish, 7 angled-fish, crab, prawn, shellfish, yam, glutinous rice, margarine, butter, durian, bird nest, ginseng and other rejuvenating herbs like Linzhi and Yunzhi.

    Do some ligh exercise such as outdoor walking during morning under the sun. Our skin able to make vitamin D. Researchers suggest that vitamin D curbs the growth of cancerous cells.

    Antioxidant food
    Green tea, Blueberries, Sky fruit, Tomato, Garlic, Papaya, Apricot seeds, Lemon grass

    Planting and Multiplying Snake Grass
    SSG doesn't have any seed, the only way to multiply SSG is by using it stem. It is not hard to plant it. You may want to try planting SSG at your own home. Follow the step by step guide on multiplying stem of SSG. Click on "How to multiply Sabah Snake Grass" to learn about it

  4. Traditional herbalists cultivate the Andrographis paniculata as a medicinal plant. It can even be used as a bio-pesticide. I grow this plant in my garden. When I have a sore throat, I chew on one or two leaves. The bitterness takes getting used to but the results are good.

    The genus Andrographis is made up of about 80 species of flowering plants from the Acanthaceae family which includes herbs, shrubs and vines, many of which are ornamental garden plants with showy flowers such as asystasia, fittonia, firecracker plant, shrimp plant, ruellia and clock vine Thunbergia.

    The epithet paniculata is derived from the Latin panicula for “tuft” — referring to the flowers which are borne in panicles.

    Andrographis paniculata is native to India and Sri Lanka but is naturalised in many tropical countries. It is widespread in Malaysia, Thailand, Java and Borneo where it grows as isolated patches on lowlands, hillside, coastlines, roadside, near drains, in between wall cracks and other disturbed or cultivated areas such as wastelands and farms.

    It is cultivated commercially in Malaysia, China and Thailand for its medicinal properties.


    All plant parts taste extremely bitter. It is regarded as the most bitter of all herbs used in traditional medicine, earning its Indian name Maha-tita, meaning “king of bitters”. In Telegu, it is nelavepu, meaning “neem of the ground”. It has a similar bitter taste and is regarded as the dwarf version of the large neem tree.

    In Chinese, it is known as Chuan Xin Lian meaning “heart-piercing lotus” because the taste is so bitter that it pierces the heart! Another Chinese name, Ku Dan Cao, means “gall bladder grass”.

    In Malay, it is called Hempedu Bumi (bile of the earth) or “Akar Cerita” (root story).

    In Indonesia, it is known as Sambiloto or Sambiroto.


    Andrographis paniculata is an upright, annual herb that can reach one metre high. It has many branches and dark green, slender stems. The leaves are smooth and lance-shaped — about 8cm long and 2.5cm wide.

    Its flowers are tiny and borne individually in upright panicles. Each flower has five green sepals and a white corolla tinged with reddish purple spots. The fruit capsule is about two centimetres long and three millimetres wide. It turns from green to dark brown when ripe. Each capsule contains many seeds which are yellow-brown.


    Andrographis paniculata is used in traditional Malay, Chinese and Indian medicine as a remedy for sore throat, flu, heatiness, high blood pressure and diabetes. As an Ayurvedic herb, it is known as Kalmegh or Kalamegha meaning “dark cloud”. It can be taken raw or steeped in drinks. Commercially, it is dried and pounded into powder and blended with other herbs and sold in capsules.
    Ongoing medical research has reported promising results in its use as an immunity booster and in the treatment of AIDS, cancer and other viral infections. This herb is known as Zhan She Jian, meaning “snake slaying sword” when used as folk remedy for poisonous snake bites.


    It can be grown in a container or planted on the ground. You can plant it in your backyard.


    Propagation Buy from nurseries specialising in local herbs and medicinal plants. It is propagated by seeds. Soak the seeds overnight in water before sowing them on the ground or in containers. Seeds will germinate within a week. Transplant when the seedlings have grown two sets of leaves.

    Sunlight Grow in full sun.

    Medium Rich well drained soil is preferred but this hardy plant can tolerate a wide range of soil.

    Water Regular watering. Do not let the soil dry out.

    Fertilise Compost or balanced compound fertiliser once a month.

    Pruning Dead-heading is recommended if you do not want it to self-seed and produce plenty of volunteer plants in your garden.

    Harvest Leaves for consumption should be harvested before flowering starts. Allow the seed pods to dry on the plant before you collect them for future propagations

  5. Here is a list of health benefits that one can obtain by eating figs and fig leaves:
    Benefit #1: High fiber content. ...
    Benefit #2: Helps those with Diabetes. ...
    Benefit #3: Lowers High Blood pressure. ...
    Benefit #4: Increases bone density. ...
    Benefit #5: Lowers Triglycerides.

  6. Nutrition Benefits of Fig Leaves

    Once used to protect the privacy of Adam and Eve and adorn the bodies of Greeks and Romans, fig leaves are most commonly known for their spiritual and mythical symbolism. Although these large leaves do serve as adequate body coverings, they can also be transformed into a delectable dish. In fact, fig leaves are not only edible, but also provide various health benefits when consumed.
    Figs, Moraceae
    Grown on the ficus tree, the fig is a nutritious and sweet member of the mulberry family. The mild fruits can be eaten whole and are usually eaten in a dried form. However, they can also be eaten raw, cooked, baked and grilled. Figs grow alongside bright-green leaves with a very distinct shape. The Dave's Garden website describes the fruit's leaves as "unique, deeply lobed, finger-like leaves."
    As explained on the Elements 4 Health website, consuming fig leaves can provide several healthy benefits for the body. Among these benefits, its anti-diabetic properties are among the most recognized. When consumed by a person with diabetes, fig leaves actually lower the amount of insulin required by the body. These extraordinary effects allow the diabetic to administer less insulin by injection, a costly and often life-long process.
    Along with their anti-diabetes properties, fig leaves also have been shown to lower the body's triglyceride levels. A triglyceride is the storage form of fat inside the body. Although a certain supply of triglycerides is required for proper health and body function, too many triglycerides greatly increase the risk for obesity and heart disease. However, a diet with regular fig leaf consumption may help lower these health risks as it gradually lowers triglyceride levels.
    Home Remedies
    Along with their remarkable anti-diabetes and triglyceride-lowering effects, fig leaves are also used in a variety of other home remedies for various medical conditions. In fact, the Natural News website recommends the mild leaf for conditions ranging from bronchitis to ulcers. According to the website, fig leaf tea can be beneficial for cardiovascular problems, cancer patients and people with high blood pressure. To make fig leaf tea, simply boil fig leaves in water for at least 15 minutes. A home remedy for bronchitis involves boiling water with three fig leaves and piloncillo, an unrefined sugar. A home remedy for ulcers involves chewing and swallowing two whole fig leaves daily.
    Although fig leaves are edible, they are used in very few recipes. In fact, Dave's Garden website acknowledges that fig leaves are typically only used to "wrap around foods." For example, the Saveur website features a "Grilled Sea Bass Wrapped in Fig Leaves" recipe, while the Martha Stewart website features a "Salmon Wrapped In Fig Leaves" recipe. The leaves can also be used as a wrap for rice and vegetables, giving the dish a Mediterranean flavor.

  7. While the most common thing that comes to mind when one utters the words fig leaves is the story of Adam and Eve, but even though they used the leaves to cover their shame, the fruit however does not evoke similar emotions.

    In fact, the bring emotions of satisfaction and delight due to the pleasant taste when either eaten raw or used as an ingredient in several dessert-based dishes. Although, this fruit is not only valuable for being edible but also for several health benefits that they bring to the person who eats them.

    Here is a list of health benefits that one can obtain by eating figs and fig leaves:

    Benefit #1: High fiber content

    Since figs possess a large amount of fiber, people who are obese and feel the need to drop a few pounds will find that in consuming figs, one can actually pursue an effective weight management program.

    Benefit #2: Helps those with Diabetes

    While one can consider that dealing with diabetes is indeed a tough ask, some cultures actually use fig leaves for its anti-diabetic properties, as the consumption of these leaves reduce the need for insulin injections when it comes to these patients.

    Benefit #3: Lowers High Blood pressure

    If you are used to consuming packaged foods, researchers have found that the excess sodium in these foods can be one reason why one can get hypertension, and which leads to blood pressure in the long run. Figs, on the other hand, are known to have high levels of potassium, a mineral that is effective in lowering and controlling high blood pressure.

    Benefit #4: Increases bone density

    Not only are figs rich in calcium, promoting bone density, but they also prevent the loss of urinary calcium which also prevents bones from thinning out.

    Benefit #5: Lowers Triglycerides

    In being able to lower triglyceride levels, fig leaves have been said, as a result, to improve cardiac health.

  8. Fig leaves are best known for treating diabetes.

    But there are many other uses for the fig leaves.

    There are many homemade remedies from treating diabetes to treating bronchitis.

    Genital warts, liver cirrhosis, high blood pressure, skin problems and ulcers.

    Fig leaves are not used as much as they should be.

    Most of the remedies for the fig leaves use the sap or the milk of this sacred tree.

    Fig tinctures or poultices should be used immediately and fresh batches made daily.

    The big news with the use of fig-leaves is that they have anti-diabetic properties.

    The diabetic needs less insulin when on a treatment of using the fig-leaf extract.

    The diabetic should take the extract with breakfast, first thing in the morning.

    An additional remedy is to boil the leaves of the fig in some freshly filtered water and drink this as a tea.

    Figs & Health:

    According to the USDA, figs are one of the highest sources of fiber and calcium.

    Figs have antioxidants and a laxative effect on the body.

    Figs contain fiber, magnesium, copper, manganese, calcium and vitamins-A,B,C and K.

    Besides these vitamins, the figs also contain folic acid, sodium and zinc.

    Benefits of Figs:

    - Figs are rich in potassium and fiber, helping to stabilize the blood pressure of the body.

    Figs contain anti-diabetic and anti-tumor properties.

    They have calcium, potassium, and soluble fiber.

    Which aids in the reduction of cholesterol.

    - Figs promote good sleeping habits and protect the person against insomnia.

    They increase your energy, promote stronger bones, and are helpful in treating constipation due to their laxative effect.

    If the fig-leaves are mashed, they can be used as a skin cleanser for acne and pimples.

    - Figs lessen the acids in the stomach and therefore are great for pregnant women.

    Figs also increase sexual desire and promote overall longevity and good health.

    There are many varieties of figs and here are a few:

    Calimyrna fig ~ has a nut like flavor and a golden skin.

    Mission fig ~ is a dark purple and eventually will turn black when sun dried.

    Kadota fig ~ is the American type fig, which is nearly seedless and most often dried and canned.

    Brown Turkey fig ~ is seen most of the time in the fresh fruit markets.

    This fig is copper colored, with small streaks of purple and a white flesh.

    Home Remedies using Fig-leaves:

    - Bronchitis

    Place two to three fig-leaves in a half liter of water with some *"Piloncillo" and bring to boil.

    Let the water boil for 15 minutes and then remove the leaves and drink the tea.

    - Cardiovascular and Cancer patients

    Try drinking some freshly made fig leaf tea.

    Also, eat some fresh figs daily.

    - Genital warts

    Take one of the fig-leaves and apply the milk or sap from the leaf to the affected areas.

    - Hemorrhoid

    Place two or three of the leaves in one liter of water and bring to boil.

    Boil for at least 15 minutes.

    Remove from heat and let the pot cool.

    Remove the leaves from the tea and use as a sitz bath or apply to the affected areas.

    - Liver cirrhosis

    Take 4 leaves, wash them thoroughly and pound them with any type of sugar candy.

    Fill a medium glass with water and drink this twice a day.

    - Lower blood pressure

    Place 3 fig leaves in a half liter of water.

    Boil for 15 minutes and drink daily.

    - Ringworm

    Cut open a fig-leaf and take the milk or sap.

    Rub on the ringworm.

    This procedure works immediately.

    - Scalp fungal infections, Warts and Boils

    Follow the above directions.

    - Shingles

    Place three to four fig-leaves in 2 c. of water.

    Boil for a few minutes, let cool and remove the fig-leaves.

    How are Methi Seeds useful in controlling diabetes and blood sugar?
    TNN | May 4, 2019, 19:00 IST

    Check out how adding fenugreek seeds to your diet can help control diabetes!
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    The simple yet multi-purpose seeds from herb, Methi, also known as fenugreek seeds are commonly available in Indian households. These bitter and nutty seeds are packed with several essential nutrients and health benefits. Other than adding delicious undertones of flavours to your dishes, methi seeds are also very helpful when it comes to controlling diabetes and blood sugar levels.

    A whopping 62 million Indians are affected by diabetes. In fact, our country is the diabetes capital of the world. It’s incidence has been increasing at an alarming rate in recent years, especially among urban Indians. The reasons being the changes in the lifestyles and environment of the people. As stress levels peak and diets go for a toss, the lives of millions of people are affected. It’s a serious problem that can have life long complications, so it’s recommended to manoeuvre your diet to lead a healthy lifestyle and reduce the risk of diabetes and control your blood sugar levels.
    How does it help control diabetes?
    Fenugreek seeds are highly soluble fibre, which help in slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates and slow down their absorption process. They also help improve the overall glucose tolerance in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
    The amino acids present in the seeds are known to breakdown sugar in the blood by increasing insulin sensitivity. The various studies conducted have shown how the metabolism problems that are associated with diabetes can be reduced with a regular intake of methi seeds.

  10. Diabetes 2
    According to Dr Ashok Jhingan, diabetologist, Diabetes Education and Research Foundation, “Fenugreek seeds act as an anti-diabetic add on medicine and they work in 3 ways. These seeds not only increase insulin sensitivity in your body but decreases inflammation, and lastly, improve lipid metabolism caused due to oxidative stress, which helps the blood cholesterol as well as the blood glucose levels. On another note, fenugreek seeds also help in decreasing weight, which automatically helps in reducing the blood sugar levels.” This concludes that methi seeds are way too much useful for those with diabetes.
    With positive results, many studies have been conducted to prove how beneficial the consumption of methi seeds are for diabetic patients. For type 2 diabetes, a 2009 study was conducted to see the effects of herbal medicine as an alternative for diabetics. The study observed 24 patients with type 2 diabetes taking 10 grams of methi per day mixed with yoghurt or soaked in water, for 8 weeks.
    At the end of the study period, the patients that completed the study showed favourable results. The ones who consumed methi soaked in the water saw a vast improvement in their condition. The study concluded, with affirmed results, that methi can be used to control diabetes and even reduce the risk of getting it in the first place.
    Another study stated how methi seeds significantly lowered blood sugar levels as well as improved glucose levels in the body.

  11. Other benefits
    Methi seeds are beneficial for all types of digestive problems like constipation, inflammation, loss of appetite, as well as for menstrual problems, PCOS, thyroid problems, and obesity. There are loads of health benefits packed in these little seeds, therefore, you should sneak in an appropriate amount into your diet.
    Since diabetes is so rampant in the country, proper measures need to be taken to halt the growth of this illness. Using methi seeds for managing your diabetes is the first steps towards a healthier lifestyle. With strong evidence that Indian folks have insulin resistance at a greater degree along with a genetic predisposition to diabetes, an early precaution is better than cure.

  12. What are the nutritional benefits of mangosteen?
    Mangosteen as a whole fruit boasts high levels of vitamin C, iron, potassium, disease-fighting phytochemicals and antioxidants, and even fatty acids, according to Davis. "In terms of vitamin C, it's pretty high, which is great. It's an antioxidant and it boosts your immune system and also helps brighten the skin," she says.

  13. Mangosteen fruit scientifically known as Garcinia mangostana is a tropical evergreen tree, believed to have been originated in Indonesia and is widely available in several South East Asian regions like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam and also in some regions of Africa. The purple Mangosteen, also known as ‘Mangustan‘ in Hindi, ‘Ivarumamidi‘ in Telugu, ‘Kaattampi‘ in Malayalam, ‘Kao‘ in Bengali, ‘Murugala Hannu‘ in Kannada, ‘Kokum‘ in Gujarati, ‘Kokam‘ or ‘Ratamba’ in Marathi, is acclaimed for its unique appearance and flavor is often revered as queen of the tropical fruits, especially in the orient.

    The fruit has three major parts: the deep purple rind; the white edible flesh which is segmented like oranges and the seeds, found within the flesh. The seeds are extremely bitter in taste and are inedible while the flesh has a soft fragrance with a sweet taste. The outer shell or rind of the Mangostein fruit (called the pericarp) is rather hard, yet can be opened easily.

    Table Of Contents

    Mangosteen Health Benefits
    Benefits of Mangosteen for Skin
    Some Important Tips & Facts
    Mangosteen Nutritional Value
    Mangosteen USDA Nutrition Chart

  14. Mangosteen Health Benefits
    Mangosteen has been a part of the traditional medicine of various Asian countries for a very long time, and was once brought all the way around the world so that it could be sampled by Queen Victoria. The health benefits of mangosteen are known since 18th century and it has been proven that these benefits are not just mythical. It is a storehouse of essential nutrients which are required for normal growth, development and overall nutritional well being. Different parts of the fruit and plant are used in the treatment of various diseases and disorders. Here are some of the mangosteen fruit health benefits.

    1. Antioxidants:
    Scientific Research has revealed that Mangosteen contains a class of naturally occurring polyphenol compounds known as xanthones. There are two types of xanthones in this fruit – alpha mangosteen and gamma mangosteen. Xanthones and their derivatives have been shown to have several benefits, including anti-inflammatory. Xanthones are an effective remedy against various cardiovascular diseases. These antioxidants have healing properties which heal cells damaged by free radicals, slow down aging and ward off degenerative diseases and physical and mental deterioration.

    [ Read: Uses of Nutmeg ]

    2. Low Calories:
    This fruit is very low in calories (63 calories per 100 g) and contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. Nonetheless, it is rich in dietary fiber (100 g provides about 13% of RDA), which can be very important for individuals who are concerned about putting on excess body weight.

    3. Vitamin C:
    Mangosteens are rich in vitamin C and contains about 12% RDA per 100g. Being a powerful water soluble anti oxidant, vitamin C provides resistance against flu like infectious agents and scavenge harmful pro-inflammatory free radicals. Therefore consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C is vital for developing resistance against diseases. Folate plays an important role in foetal development and evolution of new cells in the body. This particular vitamin is vital during pregnancy and protects neutral tube effects.

    [ Read: Skin blemishes ]

    4. Bloodflow:
    Mangosteen aids in promoting red blood cells and prevents against anaemia. It improves the blood flow by causing dilation of blood vessels which helps to protect us against certain diseases like atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, heart congestion and severe chest pains.

    By increasing the amount of blood flow to the eye, Vitamin C in mangosteen is effective against cataracts.1000mg Vitamin C per day is said to be effective in curbing cataracts and improving vision.

    5. Reduces Cholesterol:
    Diet rich in mangosteen is helpful in reducing the level of cholesterol in human body. It also helps to control the level of triglycerides to take care of proper working of human heart.

  15. 6. Tuberculosis:
    Mangosteen fruit contains strong antibacterial and antifungal properties besides being highly effective in boosting weak immune systems. Its inhibitory action against harmful bacteria is effective for patients suffering from tuberculosis.

    7. Cancer:
    The antioxidants found in mangosteen help to prevent cancer and other cardiovascular diseases. It is a powerful and effective antioxidant that protects our body from free radicals that cause oxidative stress, or” cellular rust” that can lead to host of severe medical conditions.

    8. Blood Pressure:
    Mangosteen also contains high amounts of of minerals like copper, manganese and magnesium. Potassium provides protection against strokes and coronary heart diseases as it is an important component of cell and body fluids and controls heart rate and blood pressure.

    9. Anti-inflammatory:
    Mangosteen contains anti-inflammatory properties which is highly beneficial for people who suffer from sciatica pains which cannot be controlled by drug treatment. Consuming mangosteen two to three times a day will help to relieve pain through its anti-inflammatory and cox-2 inhibitor effects.

    10. Treats Alzheimer’s Disease:
    One of the major health benefits of mangosteen is its effectiveness in treating Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is accompanied by symptoms like confusion and perplexity and difficulty in remembering things.

    Not just mangosteen fruit, Mangosteen rinds and other parts also contain many health benefits.

    While the dried powder of mangosteen rind is used in the treatment of dysentery, its paste can be used to treat eczema and some other skin disorders.
    A decoction made of mangosteen rind can be used to treat diarrhoea, whereas a decoction made of mangosteen roots is used for regulating menstruation.
    A decoction made of mangosteen leaves and bark, is beneficial in bringing down body temperature and also to treat thrush and urinary disorders.
    Benefits of Mangosteen for Skin

  16. Benefits of Mangosteen for Skin
    11. Acne:
    Mangosteen has natural antibacterial properties and antimicrobial compounds, which are highly effective in treating many common skin problems. Acne, skin blemishes, oily skin and dry skin can be cured by the consumption of mangosteen.

    12. Repairs cells:
    Xanthone compounds present in this fruit’s skin are the highest when compared to other fruits. These can cure skin diseases, repair the damaged cells in your body and protect them.

    13. Body weight:
    Intake of mangosteen is a widely used orthodox method for losing weight. Mangosteen helps in the prevention of weight gain, by burning down fat. Xanthones included in the mangosteen peel help to aid weight loss.

    14. Gum disease:
    Mangosteen acts as a weapon to fight against the gum disease known as periodontitis. The gel of mangosteen helps to cure gum problems.

  17. 15. Menstruation:
    Mangosteen can be very useful in reducing premenstrual symptoms like dizziness, mood swings, hypertension, etc. In Malaysia, a mangosteen root decoction is consumed to regulate menstruation.

    16. Stomach disorders:
    In the state of Philippines, the mangosteen is widely cultivated. They use its leaves and barks for treating diarrhea, dysentery, treat thrush and urinary disorders.

    17. Anti – Ageing:
    Aging comes about due to oxidation. Mangosteen is filled with antioxidants such as catechin (the antioxidant found in green tea). This helps in fighting free radicals. Hence, start consuming mangosteen to look younger forever.

    18. Boosts your energy:
    This fruit can help you feel refreshed and energized all day long. Its nutrients will help you look more refreshed and youthful. It provides a boost of energy.

    19. Viral infections:
    Xanthones present in mangosteen have the natural ability to attack fungal and viral infections. They even help to get rid of certain carcinogens from attacking your skin.

    Some Important Tips & Facts
    Juice made out of the mangosteen peel can make your skin feel tighter.
    Pregnant women should avoid consuming this, since it can be harmful to the fetus.
    Wash the mangosteen fruit thoroughly under running water and wipe it with a soft towel to clean it.
    Mangosteens are available fresh during the summer months.
    Injury to the fruit can make the whole fruit bitter and inedible.
    Always buy fresh fruits that feel heavy and have a bright purple colored skin. Dry and blotched skin indicates an old stock.
    Ripe fruits should be placed in a cool and dry place. They can even be stored in the refrigerator.
    Longer exposure to warm conditions can cause the skin of the fruit to become dry and hard.

  18. Mangosteen Nutritional Value
    Mangosteen fruit is beneficial because of its high nutritional value. Besides having a delicious taste, it is a rich source of fibres and carbohydrates. It also has high contents of vitamin A and vitamin C as well as iron, calcium and potassium. This fruit is a moderate source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin and folates. These vitamins act as cofactors which help the body to metabolize carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Most importantly mangosteen fruit is a great source of xanthones. A one-cup serving of canned mangosteen has 143 calories.

    Mangosteen USDA Nutrition Chart
    As you can see the mangosteen fruit heath benefits and skin benefits are simply amazing! What are you waiting for? Go and grab one as soon as you can!

    Nutrients Unit 1 Value per 100.0g 1.0 cup, drained 196g 1.0 cup 216g
    Water g 80.94 158.64 174.83
    Energy kcal 73 143 158
    Protein g 0.41 0.80 0.89
    Total lipid (fat) g 0.58 1.14 1.25
    Carbohydrate, by difference g 17.91 35.10 38.69
    Fiber, total dietary g 1.8 3.5 3.9
    Calcium, Ca mg 12 24 26
    Iron, Fe mg 0.30 0.59 0.65
    Magnesium, Mg mg 13 25 28
    Phosphorus, P mg 8 16 17
    Potassium, K mg 48 94 104
    Sodium, Na mg 7 14 15
    Zinc, Zn mg 0.21 0.41 0.45
    Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid mg 2.9 5.7 6.3
    Thiamin mg 0.054 0.106 0.117
    Riboflavin mg 0.054 0.106 0.117
    Niacin mg 0.286 0.561 0.618
    Vitamin B-6 mg 0.018 0.035 0.039
    Folate, DFE µg 31 61 67
    Vitamin B-12 µg 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Vitamin A, RAE µg 2 4 4
    Vitamin A, IU IU 35 69 76
    Vitamin D (D2 + D3) µg 0.0 0.0 0.0
    Vitamin D IU 0 0 0
    Cholesterol mg 0 0 0

  19. Remember how family becoming richer and richer. Make more money from outside the family and not making money from family. By doing this weaken the family finance. In the end, becomes poorer. Do not teach the children to claim their meals from the father as make the children can manage their finance. They should manage their finance within their meals and spendings so that when father jobless, they are able take care of themselves and the family. By doing this will growth the family finance.

  20. If keep asking or making money from the breadwinner then the family finance will be weaken. Wealth will be gone. Never see such a family member doing such thing.
