Monday, August 9, 2010

Look at my Garden

I like to keep fish and planting. Can you see pomelo on the plant. Keeping plant will make you happy and also make your comfortable and also reduced your stress. When you see your bear fruit and flower bloosom, you will feel that you have achieve your goal. But you need to put effort by watering the plant everyday.

Look at my Garden and aquarium. I have set up my planted tank. Everything seem to be doing well. By look at it will make you happy and satisfaction.

I love to see my planted tank. I spend sometimes to maintaining my planted tank. Look at it make feel good.

Healthy food : Grains are low-fat and fiber-rich

Grains are from the class of foods known as carbohydrates, and, as athletes know, they are a dependable source of long-term endurance and energy. However, not all carbohydrates are created equal. Many of the grains we eat in our typical American diet—white bread, commercial cereals, baked goods—are highly refined and devoid of vitamins, minerals and fiber. This refining process strips whole grains of their inherent cholesterol-lowering, cancer reducing, blood sugar-balancing and probiotic effects.
Nuts in general are high in calories and high in unsaturated fats - the good fats, and are a good source of plant protein and fibre. Nuts provide a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as phosphorus, zinc, folic acid, niacin, magnesium, vitamin E and selenium. Nuts are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and, depending on the nut in question, an assortment of fatty acids that stimulate the immune system, provide energy, and protect the digestive tract from harmful microbes. Like all plant foods, nuts are an incomplete protein source, but can be combined with other foods to make a digestible protein to help build tissues, enzymes, and the body in general.

Almonds-They are rich in protein and contain phosphorus & calcium for strong bones & teeth, folic acid for women becoming pregnant.Nutritionally, almonds are excellent sources of vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium, as well as fair sources of trace minerals, particularly manganese and zinc. Like all nuts, almonds are rich in the amino acid arginine and so will have to be curtailed or avoided in case of an active herpes infection (arginine stimulates herpes virus replication). Glutamic acid, another amino acid, is particularly plentiful in almonds. Glutamic acid is part of the antioxidant tripeptide glutathione, and helps to detoxify ammonia from the body. And like all grains, seeds, and nuts, almonds contain anti-nutrients called phytates, organic acids that bind to minerals and prevent their absorption in the small intestines.

Chestnuts-Consequently, chestnuts are very low in fat and protein. Of the fat they do have, it is equally divided between monounsaturates and polyunsaturates. Because of their high carbohydrate content, chestnuts are very high in the B vitamins, chromium, and manganese: all nutrients required to assimilate carbohydrates.

Cashews-Cashews are rich in protein and contain essential amino acids. They are a good source of minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium & phosphorous.
• Rich in protein & cholesterol-free • High in vitamin B & iron • Most of the fat is mono-unsaturated

PEANUTS: Peanuts contain high quality plant protein, which is important for children, vegetarians and people with less meat consumption. They are also an excellent source of vitamin E, which act as an antioxidant to help reduce the risk of heart disease, and essential minerals such as magnesium & copper, which may protect against heart